Mechanical Engineering





CSE (Data Science)





S.NO Name of the Faculty Journal Name Year & Month of Publication Vol.No.,Issue No & Pg.No's Title Name of Authors(as Published)
1 Dr.Jayadev Gyani , IJARCSSE May-14 ISSN:2277 128X Mining Frequent Patterns from Bug Repositories, Dr.Jayadev Gyani
2 Dr.Jayadev Gyani IEEE R10 TENSYMP Malaysia 2014 IEEE R10 TENSYMP A Novel Approach for predicting the popularity of video Dr.Jayadev Gyani
3 Dr.K V S S R S S Sarma IJOART, February 2015. February 2015. IJOART, Issue A Method for obtaining Digital Signatures and Public key Cryptosystems using Pells Equation with Jacobi Symbol K V S S R S S Sarma with M K Rao and P. S. Avadhani
4 Dr.K V S S R S S Sarma IJCTTCS January 2015. IJCTTCS Issue, Software Co-Design of Pells equation with Jacobi Symbol for SSL Protocol Execution K V S S R S S Sarma with M K Rao and P. S. Avadhani
5 Dr.K V S S R S S Sarma International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR September, 2014 ISSN (Online): 2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2319-8885 Volume 03 Issue 23 ǁ September, 2014 ǁ PP.4707-4710. Privacy Preserving Data Sharing with Anonymous ID Assignment Using AIDA Algorithm K V S S R S S Sarma with Srikanth S and Harikrishna P
6 Dr.P.Rajkumar IJIRCCE Jul-14 vol 2 Special issue 3 Achieving Maximum Multicast Throughput in Secured Multi-Hop Wireless Networks Dr.P.Rajkumar, P.Gana prakesh
7 Dr.P.Rajkumar IJISET May-14 Vol-1 issue 3. Comparison of 3-PEKE Protocol and improved Parallel Message Transmission Key Exchange Protocol Dr.P.Rajkumar, M.Ananthi, R.Logeswari saranya
8 Dr.S.Kirubakaran International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Annexure II] 2014-15 ISSN 0973-4562 vol. 10 no.29 (2015 Enhancing Confidential Message Transferring System In A Security Framework V.Oviya, Dr.S.Kirubakaran, K.Maheswari
9 Dr.S.Kirubakaran International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2014-15 ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.29 (2015). A Novel Joint Visible Mosaic and Visual less Cellular Technique on Color Images" V.G.Karthiga, Dr.S.Kirubakaran, K.Maheswari
10 Dr.S.Kirubakaran International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Nov-Dec 2014 Volume 2, Issue 6 (Nov-Dec 2014), PP. 94-97. 2014-15 Literature Survey: Peer To Peer Transmission Of Password Through Secure SMS V.Oviya, Dr.S.Kirubakaran
11 Dr.S.Kirubakaran International Journal of Technical Research and Applications Jan-Feb 2015 Vol 3 Issue 1,Jan-Feb 2015, PP(1-42014-15). A Literature Survey On Secure Joint Data Hiding And Compression Scheme To Store High Capacity Data In Image V.G.Karthiga, K.Maheswari, Dr.S.Kirubakaran
S.NO Name of the Faculty Journal Name Year & Month of Publication Vol.No.,Issue No & Pg.nos Title Name of Authors(as Published)
1 Dr. P. Rajkumar March 2015, ISSN 2348 - 9928. Dr. P. Rajkumar
2 Dr. P. Rajkumar IJAER Number 29 (2015) Volume 10, Special Issues. "A Scalable Specialization Approach For Data Anonymization Using K Means Clustering With Mapreduce Framework For Cloud", Hari Kumar.R, Dr. P. Rajkumar and M. Ananthi
3 Dr.P.Rajkumar International Journal of Applied Engineering Research -2015 ISSN:0973-4562 Online- ISSN:1087-1090. "A learning structure based on actor-critic algorithm for increasing energy efficiency in radio access networks, E. Priya, M.Ananthi and Dr.P.Rajkumar
S. No. Name Of Faculty Title Type
1. Dr.Jayadev Gyani ➽ Mining Frequent Patterns from Bug Repositories
➽ A Novel Approach for predicting the popularity of video
2. Mr.P.Raj Kumar ➽ Achieving Maximum Multicast Throughput in Secured Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
➽ Comparison of 3-PEKE Protocol and improved Parallel Message Transmission Key Exchange Protocol