Computer Science

About IEEE Jayamukhi Student Branch

Jayamukhi IEEE Student Branch was established on 2nd December 2005. Over the 15 years of volunteerism Jayamukhi IEEE Student Branch got Vibrant Student Branch Award two times. It is one of the vibrant student branches under Hyderabad section. It has three student chapters namely, Power & Energy Society (PES), Circuits & Systems Society (CAS), Computer Society (CS) and one Affinity Group, Women in Engineering (WIE). The SB carry out focused activities in the respective area by way of conducting technical talks, Seminars, Tutorials, Workshops etc.

IEEE Abhignatha (A National level Technical fest) is the prestigious annual event of the IEEE Jayamukhi Student branch that has been held since 2005. IEEE Abhignatha is not only to give richness in management skills, communication skills but also to motivate students in the fields of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering among other areas of discipline of the IEEE. There is a growing trend around the world for engineering to address issues of human development. IEEE Abhignatha brings together a diverse community of engineers in a quest for technologically appropriate, environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable and economically sound solutions. It is happy to know that year by year many students from various institutions participate in different activities which are initiated by Abhignatha.