
About ISTE

The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. Being the only national organization of educators in the field of Engineering and Technology,ISTE effectively contributes in various missions of the Union Government. The strength of ISTE is the strong base it has in technical education institutions in the country.

It organizes an annual convention for faculty and students separately every year where a large number of technocrats, technical teachers, policy makers, experts from the industry etc. participate and interact. Every year a National Seminar with a specific theme with respect to the latest development in the field of Science and Technology and societal problems is being arranged during the Annual convention and leading luminaries of technical education are invited to deliver special lectures and delegates will present research papers. ISTE is actively involved in many activities conducted by All India Council for Technical Education New Delhi (AICTE) and National Board of Accreditation New Delhi (NBA). Recently ISTE was partner to AICTE and NBA in the conduct of Second Charta Vishwakarma Award and WOSA 2018 respectively.

ISTE is having collaboration and MoUs with government organsations and various Universities for the promotion of technical education system in the country.

The major objectives of the ISTE:

Providing quality training programmes to teachers and administrators of technical institutions to update their knowledge and skills in their fields of activity.

To assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industry and other organizations.

Providing guidance and training to students to develop better learning skills and personality.

To develop effective teachers & educational administrators.

To enhance professional ideals & standards.

To foster research as a function complementary to teaching.

To cultivate fraternal spirit amongst the teachers, administrators, industrialista & professionals.

To bring about effective linkage between technical institutions industry & society.

About Technojits

Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences, Narsampet, as usual has organized an annual National Level Technical Symposium entitled TECHNOJITS under the auspicious of ISTE Student Chapter. The purpose of Symposium is to enhance employability skills and all round personality of the students.

Since the TECHNOJITS was an open Symposium about more no. of students from various outstation colleges participated. Most of them have presented research papers on various topics of current interest. The best paper presentations as adjudicated by a panel of external experts have been given prizes. The outstation participants have been provided with free accommodation.


There are four types of membership in ISTE:

Member (Yearly)

Any person holding a University degree or diploma or equivalent qualification & who is employed on the teaching faculty of a recognized technical institution is eligible for membership.

Any person who is actively interested in or concerned with technological education academically, administratively or industrially at a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a lecturer or above is eligible for membership.

Life Member

Eligibility as same as for Member.

Institutional Member (life)

Universities, University Departments, Colleges etc. offering instruction in Engineering/Technology at a level of Bachelors degree or higher.

Polytechnics & Institutes offering Diploma Courses in Engineering & Technology.

Research Institutes in Engineering & Technology.

Departments of Central & State Governments, Statutory bodies & Autonomous bodies that have an interest in Engineering & Technical Education.

Student Member (Yearly)

Student membership of ISTE is open to all students enrolled in Engineering Colleges The major objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations.